Archive for month: July, 2023

Is it really hotter now than any time in 100,000 years?

As scorching heat grips large swaths of the Earth, a lot of people are trying to put the extreme temperatures into context and asking: When was it ever this hot before? Globally, 2023 has seen some of the hottest days in modern measurements, but [...]

The science everyone needs to know about climate change, in 6 charts

November’s UN climate conference, COP26, turned a spotlight on the climate crisis. But in order to better understand the policies and impacts of global warming, it’s useful to understand the science behind it. I’m an atmospheric scientist who has worked on global [...]

Earth School launched to keep students connected to nature

Today, over 1.5 billion children are unable to go to school. Coronavirus’ impact goes beyond the health and economic crisis; it is also jeopardizing the education of students around the world. Teachers are scrambling to offer students lessons online and [...]

A library where you can check out seeds

At the Butte County Library in Chico, California, there is a seed section. This is the Chico Seed Lending Library (CSLL), a collection of seeds donated from gardens and farms around the region. At CSLL, advanced and burgeoning gardeners can borrow the means [...]