Archive for month: March, 2021
10 incredible women in history you should know
A few years ago, I began to notice that the people I taught about in my World History classes were, more often than not, European men. When women were included in the state curriculum, they felt like token inclusions who [...]
Want to inspire action? Write someone out of the story
If someone forgets your birthday or can’t remember your name, it’s easy to set things right. However, what happens when someone doesn’t include you in your own story? How do you right that wrong? Throughout history, half the population has [...]
How much do you know about the women who shaped modern physics?
Theoretical physicist (and TED Fellow) Shohini Ghose has two great passions: physics, and advocating for gender equity in the sciences. “There are still relatively few women in physics — and the higher up the ladder in academia or industry you [...]
5 TED-Ed Lessons about awesome women in history
If it’s true that well-behaved women seldom make history, then we’d like to introduce you to a few of our favorite troublemakers. Here are 5 TED-Ed Lessons about remarkable women: 1. The pharaoh that wouldn’t be forgotten Hatshepsut was a [...]
5 TED-Ed Animations to watch during Women’s History Month
Mary Kingsley first sailed to West Africa in 1893 with a bag packed for adventure. Fortunately, it was a waterproof bag. The contents? Quinine to ward off malaria, empty glass vials to fill with Science, and a translation of the [...]