If you’re involved in the TED-Ed Club program, chances are good that you’re pretty passionate about celebrating and amplifying the voices and ideas of students. TED-Ed Club members will spend their year creating and sharing their inspired and inspiring TED-Ed Club videos. What better way to kick off the inspiration cycle than by connecting and brainstorming with other TED-Ed Clubbers from around the world!?
TED-Ed Club Connect Week is your chance to digitally connect with students and educators around the globe to share what’s got you excited for the upcoming club cycle and start to hash out presentation topic ideas. Our last Connect Week was a highlight for the year, and we’re thrilled to bring it back in an even bigger and better way this October 19-23!
Connections are hour-long online meet-ups during which TED-Ed Club Members join a video call made up of club chapters from all over the world. Throughout the week, Club Members have the opportunity to meet and speak with as many other clubs as possible. We’ll provide multiple time slots so clubs can sign up for days/times that fit within their schedule.
During Connections, club members have the chance to learn and chat about everything from the local favorite midnight snack to the latest social media trend. But the main purpose of the discussion is to give Clubbers a chance to share presentation topic ideas and provide each other with tips, tricks and support for preparing their TED-Ed Club video.
SIGN UP HERE! And, check out some of the moments captured from our last TED-Ed Club Connect Week below!
Do you want the opportunity to create your own TED-Ed Club and connect with students from all over the world? Find out how to get started here »
Already have a TED-Ed Club and want to participate? Email tededclubs@ted.com for more info.
Several teachers will apply to be facilitators for a TED-Ed club for the Ayisatu Owen International School, Techiman, Ghana. They will also,apply to join the TED-Ed Club Connect Week as a way to learn how to build the club.
Hi Wilfred,
We’re so glad to see that your school is interested in starting a TED-Ed Club! We would love to speak with you more on how to get started and how to participate in this upcoming and future TED-Ed Club Connect Weeks. Please email tededclubs@ted.com and we can get the conversation started!
How does one apply to participate in Ted-ed Club Connect Week?