How to start a TED-Ed Club

Want to start a TED-Ed Club

TED-Ed Clubs are designed to support students ages 8-18 — all over the world. Anyone over the age of 13 can submit an application to start the process. Below, the first 3 steps to start a TED-Ed Club:

Step 1: Watch a short video about TED-Ed Clubs.
The video explains the basics. If you’re interested, share it with friends, teachers and students who might want to start a TED-Ed Club with you.
Click here to watch a short video about TED-Ed Clubs. »

Step 2: Complete a short TED-Ed Club application.
The application is just 1 page long. You can do it!
Click here to complete a TED-Ed Club application. »

Step 3: Talk to the TED-Ed Team.
After your application is reviewed, you’ll receive an email with next steps for gaining approval to start an official TED-Ed Club. One next step: set up a video call to talk to the TED-Ed Team! While your TED-Ed Club application is being reviewed, read thisthisthis and this.

Those are the first 3 steps for how to start a TED-Ed Club. Want to learn more? Download the TED-Ed Club information packet.

Interested in starting a TED-Ed Club at your school? Click here to start your application now. »


  1. What about the Youth aged between 20-30 ?

  2. ahmet cetinbudaklar

    excellent way of sharing knowledge

  3. chandrakant kulkarni

    Is there a local language version ( like Marathi ) of this club?

  4. Hi!
    Hogyan tudnam atadni az ismereteimet egy uj programozasi szisztemarol, ha egy centet sem tudtam profitalni a tudasombol, mert mindent elloptak!!! ClickBank, CliskSure Bank, Job, Supportok eca.eca. Mar a villanyszamlamat sem tudom kifizetni, nem hogy utazni es eloadasokat tartani. Ertelme????
    Gabor Szabo /Anyone/ Hungry Budapest

  5. Grey Jones

    Can I do this at college?

  6. Can this club be started at my music school?!

  7. Can I open one in Poland? :)


    I will do that to establish my TED-Ed Club

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