It’s hard to believe, but the TED-Ed team is excited to have just passed the one-year mark for when we launched our YouTube Channel on March 12, 2012. And what a year it has been! In 365 days, we published over 100 TED-Ed Originals and nearly 100 TED Talks with over 16 million views total. And we have almost 100 additional projects in production!
This milestone would not be possible without the brilliant educators and talented animators who have contributed to the TED-Ed initiative, making curiosity-inspiring Lessons available to people all around the globe. These collaborators have put great efforts — and many late hours — into each Lesson. And it shows.
In honor of our first birthday, we’d like to celebrate our top 10 most-watched videos so far, on topics ranging from chemistry to Shakespeare to origami.
Congratulations guys. It’s been a privilege to have followed your story so far. Vive la Revolution!
Congratulations guys. Vive la Education Revolution!
Well certainly, the topics are interesting and unique but are they significant in any way. Significance does not equate with uniqueness it seems to me at first consideration. But I have to say that the uniqueness of these topics is impressive.
Happy Birthday and thank you so much for all you do & keeping it innovative! I’ve been a TED Talks addict for a few years now (a college instructor turned me on to ted.com), and I’m always on Utube filling my head with what I can. I’m so glad you are there as well.
I love TedEd!
my best wish and regard to the smart team and those that cooperate to achieve a commmon goal, bring easy available safe education for us. this is the most wonderfull program on earth. !congratulation!. Continued investigation and experiment, prove that is no a joke, but a responsible hard work that put together the most important instrument in the whole world, education.
Hi, your amazing videos made me truly appreciate God’s presence in our lives. The intelligence given to the creators or animators is God given talent. I’m sure that a lot of hard work, focus, and perseverance were given in creating this wonderful program. More power & God bless.
May you continue & keep up the good work.
I was first exposed to Ted Talks by one of my professors at St Joseph’s College Brooklyn campus in 2014. Since then I have viewed many more. I enjoy them and plan to create a lesson of my own using this program.