Want to keep your brain in shape this summer — and learn 31 new ideas in the month of July? Do both by signing up below to take the TED-Ed July Challenge.
Here’s how it works: Beginning on July 1, once a day for 31 days, you’ll receive a TED-Ed Lesson in your inbox chosen just for this challenge. Take the lesson by watching the video and answering the questions and you’re done for the day! Take all 31 lessons, once a day from July 1-July 31, and you’ll be in the running to receive one of three fun gift bags from the TED Office.
Ready to learn something new every day for 31 days? Sign up here and you’ll get an email starting up the challenge on July 1.
Looking for an archive of the lessons already posted? Check out this blog post for the full calendar, updated daily.
What a great initiative!. Not a MOOC, but an excellent example of informal learning. Well done TEDsters!
thanks!! we’re so glad you like it!
Thanks–having fun and learning cool details. (Teachers have to fight the summer slump, too!) I joined the July challenge on Day 7 . . . is there a list of leases for Days 1 – 6 that I missed?
Here’s the archive of lessons — It doesn’t matter which day you take the lesson, so long as all 31 are taken within the month of July!
i will
Can this challenge also be taken by children 11 years onwards? Looking forward for a speedy reply.
Hello, Areefa –
The age range for our lessons vary, but they are typically most applicable for ages 13-23!
Why? Once you’re over 23 you lose all your brain cells? I’m a senior, is this going to be too hard for me?
lol. I’m also beyond that range. And I watch them and benefit from them.
So, if I got it correctly, only three randomly generated participants will get a gift bag?
If that’s the case, then what’s in it for us less fortunate?
The lifelong joy of having learned 31 new things in one month.
What a wonderful idea! Thank you very much for doing this. I am certainly in!
What about giving them an open badge (https://badgealliance.org/, http://openbadges.org/)? They could share and use it as evidence of this wonderful informal learning activity! Drop me a line if you like the idea and need support!
What about giving them an open badge (https://badgealliance.org/, http://openbadges.org/)? They could share and use it as evidence of this wonderful learning activity! Drop me a line if you like the idea!
You have a bunch of unschooled kids and moms signed up! We love this kind of stuff!
Hey Ted!
I’m looking to collaborate with a few people on this challenge. Our plan is to set up a Facebook group to bring a greater awareness to the challenge by sharing our lessons and maybe even creating our own collateral to add value. I need some branding guidelines in terms of what we can/can’t use.
We’ve got an eclectic mix of law of inspirational leaders involved. We can’t wait to get going on it!
Please advice on your Facebook guidelines and if we are able to use any aspects of your branding as part of our collaboration.
Many thanks,
I am so excited about this challenge!! I love ted.com and thank you for coming up with it. I think it’s not your age that matters or that you even get the “answers” to the quizzes right; it’s that you try and learn something in the process.
Looking forward to it!
Boo yeah! I love learning… though I’m currently taking classes, I’m excited to add a little pleasure learning to my life.
Not gonna lie, I’m kinda hoping to snag a swag bag!
I´m thrilled! It´s a great initiative, and I can´t wait to start and learn a bit more!
Thank you for this opportunity. I am looking forward to it.
Can I get a Facebook badge or something if I finish it and don’t won a goodie bag?
It is the soul’s journey to grow at all ages.
Can’t wait for July 1.
Shared the challenge with the teachers at my school. Hoping many of them take the challenge with me.
I have baby #2 coming on July 8th, but I am going to do my best to keep up!
I am a long time educator and always up to learning more.
how do we sign up
To Gio, who thought this might be too hard for seniors. I’m 69 and have been following TED for 2 years now. I took a world religion class and the teacher mentioned TED for more and easy information. I like your range of subjects. I’m a retired RN.
This goes to all of my college faculty members and family members. Great Idea.
Does this apply to international entrants?
Life is an ongoing education. I am also a senior and want to absorb anything I can to stimulate this brain just like the body needs care, so does the brain. bring on the challenge!
Thanks..Look forward to it !
Thank you.
Thank you.
would love to learn 31 new things…iam inn
You are about to turn me into the most intelligent woman on Earth. That’s a fair warning.
Let ‘em bring on the “whippersnappers” and let’s see who winds up
holding the “3 bags” ! Senior’s rock!
OK, I’m in. However, I’m concerned about the time commitment. While I’m way into “senior years”, time is a premium since I run close to light speed with a long “to-do” list and multiple organization obligations. And I assume all participants get the same video each day? No choice of topics?
Going on a kayak trip to unplug for the last week of July so will have to settle for learning 25 ideas instead of 31. Still a good deal. Thanks, TED!
It is a good way to spand the summer vocation. We can learn new concept and knowledge. Thanks TED-Ed.
I may be away from internet access for some of July: will I be able to play catch up?
Definitely completing this challenge with my summer school class… The kids are going to love it!
Hey… I’m 45 and i want to participate! Am i out? The chance of learning in the best way that exists to learn no matter the subject and… I’m out? C’mon, can’t a school teacher have a chance? I don’twant any prize, i want to be defied! A-ya! Too late, I subscribed the challenge! ;0)
I’m portuguese and this year, all my students learned, in class, with Ted! They simply LOVED the experience of learning with the best and the best way ever! Thank you, Ted!
I already have a vacation planned in July so will it count against me if I have to do several lessons in a few days to make up for the days I won’t have internet access at all? Thank you!
I’m interested, but life is not easy. How much time will this take?
I love listening to TED lessons and I think this is a brilliant idea!
I will take the TED-Ed Challenge
This is a fantastic way to re-ignite the passion in learning well into adulthood! I am up for the July challenge definitely!!
I want to take the challenge, but I’ll be on vacation for a week, without laptop or phone. So… if I watch the videos and ask the questions posted during that week, will it still count, or am I already failing the challenge?
Learning new things… forever
Well I’m in !
It would seem the confirmation email is not following through.
I don’t know why I got this “Leave a Reply” boxes. I just wanted to sign up for the TED-ed July challenge.
I signed up and have a bunch of my students and colleagues interested as well, but I didn’t get a confirmation and haven’t yet received today’s lesson. When will we be getting that?
try to see on the newsletter marker in your e-mail. At least mine was there.
Looking forward to a variety of mental workouts and “brain hits”.
Can’t wait to start.Thank you!
Enjoyed the first lesson!!! It took only a few minutes and I learned a bunch! Looking forward to this challenge. Thanks Ted.
Can’t wait to start. Thank you!
Yesterday I got my lesson, but today I have yet to get an email with the link!
Here’s the archive of lessons — It doesn’t matter which day you take the lesson, so long as all 31 are taken within the month of July!
I got day 2 but not day 1 …is there an archive anywhere?
Here’s the archive of lessons — It doesn’t matter which day you take the lesson, so long as all 31 are taken within the month of July!
I have confirmed, but have not received a TEDX lesson in my inbox…..
Here’s the archive of lessons — It doesn’t matter which day you take the lesson, so long as all 31 are taken within the month of July!
Did one get sent out for July 2nd?
Here’s the archive of lessons — It doesn’t matter which day you take the lesson, so long as all 31 are taken within the month of July!
I signed up a day late, and never got the first day’s challenge. Where can I access that?
Here’s the archive of lessons — It doesn’t matter which day you take the lesson, so long as all 31 are taken within the month of July!
How can I do the lessons that i missed on July 1st and 2nd?
Here’s the archive of lessons — It doesn’t matter which day you take the lesson, so long as all 31 are taken within the month of July!
I have been working very hard to complete the July Challenge, but I did not receive yesterday’s lesson in my e-mail
Here’s the archive of lessons — It doesn’t matter which day you take the lesson, so long as all 31 are taken within the month of July!
I’m missing day 6. Is there a list somewhere?
Here’s the archive of lessons — It doesn’t matter which day you take the lesson, so long as all 31 are taken within the month of July!
Hi! I only just saw this but I would love to still participate! If I sign up now will I get the lessons for the first 7 days?
Here’s the archive of lessons — It doesn’t matter which day you take the lesson, so long as all 31 are taken within the month of July!
Hey Ted!
I’m so sorry but i found out about this challenege only today (7th July) does this mean i can’t participate? I keep trying to subscribe to the lessons but i’m unable to confirm my email address because that email doesn’t reach me in the first place. Is this because i’m late ?
Here’s the archive of lessons — It doesn’t matter which day you take the lesson, so long as all 31 are taken within the month of July!
Can I catch up on Ted-Ed July Challenge lessons that I’ve missed?
Here’s the archive of lessons — It doesn’t matter which day you take the lesson, so long as all 31 are taken within the month of July!
I’m going to use these as Friday topics for student journals! If I complete a lesson a day late will it still count for my 31 so I am still in the drawing?
It doesn’t matter which day you take the lesson, so long as all 31 are taken within the month of July!
Just got an email asking me to take a survey about the July Challenge .. but the link doesn’t work!
Anyone got the url for it?