Want to keep your brain fit this summer — and learn 31 new ideas in the month of July? Do both by signing up below to take the second annual TED-Ed July Challenge!
Here’s how it works: Beginning on July 1, once a day for 31 days, you’ll receive a TED-Ed Lesson in your inbox — chosen just for this challenge. Then, watch the video and answer the questions. That’s it! You can do the lesson on the same day you get it, or you can wait and do a few at the same time — just so long as all 31 lessons are done in July. However you choose to do it, we’re cheering you on!
Ready to learn something new every day for 31 days? Sign up here and you’ll get an email starting up the challenge on July 1.
Sounds great!
Yes, I will!
Would like to sign up for the TED ed challenge
I loved the TedEd July Challenge next year! I got my whole family hooked. Can’t wait for this year’s challenge!
Bring it on, TEDEd! Loved this challenge last year.
Can’t wait!
I’d like to sign up. I don’t see where to submit my information though.
Hi Rhonda –
We had a tech glitch, but the submit button should now be showing up on all browsers! Please let us know if it’s still giving you any trouble.
Great idea!
I can’t submit my info, call me crazy but, there’s no submit button. I first tried on my cellphone, I am on my laptop now and the information section to sign in to the 30 day challenge has no submit info button. Help?
Hi Mónica –
We had a tech glitch, but the submit button should now be showing up on all browsers! Please let us know if it’s still giving you any trouble.
Come and visit here as well guys.. Hopefully it will become useful for all of us
Not sure the submit button is working. This is the message I keep getting. “Too many subscribe attempts for this email address. Please try again in about 5 minutes. (#6592)”
Lets do this!
I’d love to join! It was wonderful last year. Unfortunately, I receive this error message when I try with multiple email addresses: “Too many subscribe attempts for this email address. Please try again in about 5 minutes. (#8913)” Help?
Filled in my details, clicked on subscribe and got this message…
Too many subscribe attempts for this email address. Please try again in about 5 minutes. (#8488)
What now? That was my one and only subscription attempt…
me too! I got the same message.
I would like doing it! But I can not on July, I’ll be on holidays, and I don’t think I ‘all have enough WiFi.
Could it EB possible doing in August?
Tanks a lot for the initiative!
Love the idea. Is the challenge appropriate for students (if so what age?) or just teachers? Thanks, Frangiska
Good evening,
despite I put every dates you asked me, I can’t subscribe it.
I would love to send this to my students and their families, yet I’m hesitant without knowing the material beforehand. I love and respect TedEd curriculum, and would still like a little more information regarding any suggested age limits.
Help. I can’t subscribe. Tried 3 times and now 8111+ others have been enrolled.
….am guessing there are still glitches with the submit process….I get the 5 minute message and number also (8228)
Also getting the wait five minutes, you tried too many times error message. Just tried the once though.
This is great and I would like to sign up, but when I hit submit I receive an error message.
Filled in my details, clicked on subscribe and got this message…
Too many subscribe attempts for this email address. Please try again in about 5 minutes. (#8488)
What now? That was my one and only subscription attempt…
Can’t get in keeps saying error try again
I would like to take on Ted’s challenge, but I can’t finish the subscription process. The programme tells me once and again to try after five minutes.
I’m all for it. Let’s go!
This is brilliant. I was thinking of a similar challenge and selecting Ted-Ed videos and some YouTube. I can’t wait to share this with students. Hoping it is designed with them in mind. Love it! Best Wishes, Ryan
“Too many subscribe attempts for this email address. Please try again in about 5 minutes. (#8913)” Help?” Received this error message on first attempt to sign up
Getting the same error message as some others have been getting – Too many subscribe attempts for this email address. Please try again in about 5 minutes.
I see and selected the “Subscribe” button, but I get an error message that I cannot read completely as “Subscribe” covers it up. I did copy it, to paste here – perhaps I shall be able to read it now
Too many subscribe attempts for this email address. Please try again in about 5 minutes. (#8327)
I have only tried once. Hey TED, you are really keeping us on our toes!
Warm Regards,
Ms Rutherford
Not only that, I checked the time and it says I commented at: June 26, 2016 at 6:02 am
Call me crazy but my computer (in PDT) read 25 June 2016 2302
Glitch? OR Where am I?
Thank you for your help (I think)
Count me in mate!
Hi from Greece.
It says from the first attempt.
“Too many subscribe attempts for this email address. Please try again in about 5 minutes. (#8993)”
Any suggestions are welcome.
Have a nice Summer!!!
ubscribe attempts for this email address. Please try again in about 5 minutes. (#8697)
This message – partly covered by the “subscribe” button! – is all I get when I try to subscribe. Have tried repeatedly, with different E-mail-addresses. Please sign me up to the July Challenge, thank you!
I can’t submit my information. Upon clicking submit button it says “……subscribe attempts for this email address. Please try again in about 5 minutes. (#8539)”
I was just wondering (roughly) how long will the videos be?
I got the too many tries message too when I tried to sign on
Hi just tried submit button still not working.
I got the same “too many subscribe attempts” error message. I tried yesterday and today.
Not able to subscribe. Can somebody please notify me a solution?
Getting this error: Too many subscribe attempts for this email address. Please try again in about 5 minutes. (#8536)
I want to be part of the challenge, but when I press the subcribe button it says something about too many subscribe attemps from my email adress and I should try again in 5 minutes. I have tried it 4 times, always says the same. Please help!
Filled in my details, clicked on subscribe and got this message…
Too many subscribe attempts for this email address. Please try again in about 5 minutes. (#8488)
What now? That was my one and only subscription attempt…I’ve tried a few times every half hour or so but no luck
I am getting this message in Google Chrome:
Too many subscribe attempts for this email address. Please try again in about 5 minutes. (#8802).
Then I tried in Safari and it worked.
I receive the same error message as other people “Too many subscribe attempts for this email address. Please try again in about 5 minutes.”
It appears to be working now. I didn’t use auto-fill this time but I’m not sure if this was an issue.
Almost finished… We need to confirm your email address. To complete the subscription process, please click the link in the email we just sent you. Never got email.
I have a problem signing up this July Challenge, can anyone help? Thanks!
looking forward and excited to learn something new everyday in july!
I got the too many attempts error with Chrome, but it worked with Internet Explorer.
I’d love to sign up but the two days I’ve tried I get the same error message as others above.
Same as above. Can’t subscribe – too many attempts. Thank you. Looking forward to the opportunity.
Hey everyone who’s seeing that “too many attempts” error message – it seems like there is some issue going on with our subscription service, and we’re investigating. Thanks for letting us know!
In the meantime, you can try to either wait several minutes to see if you are able to successfully sign up with the email address or try a different browser.
I am a loyal Chrome user but I could not subscribe using that browser. Internet Explorer worked.
count me in!
I am unable to subscribe. Reason # 8835 was given. I tried yesterday also and was not able to do so.
Please advise.
I’m excited to learn something new each day in July.
It does seem to work in ie but not in Chrome. Boo.
I am receiving a number of “new comments” because I chose this option after writing and submitting two comments however, my comments are nowhere to be found!
Please advise. What happened to my comments from a couple of days ago? I would like to participate in the challenge – the time is drawing near! – but I am wondering about my comments and the answer to my questions.
Thank you in advance.
Warm Regards,
Ms Kim Rutherford
How can i sign in? subscribe button is not redirecting.
I have been waiting four days for: Your comment is awaiting moderation.
Please repair this “inconvenience” as I – like many, many others – are chomping at the bit to participate!
I didn’t receive the lesson for July 1. Did I do something wrong?
Same problem subscribe error
Hello everyone at TED-Ed!
I have just subscribed to the TED-Ed Challenge and I got the confirmation email just now, but I have a question.
The email says that I should expect the first lesson on “Wednesday”, July 1st, but July 1st is actually a Friday…
So… should I expect the first lesson today, anyway?
I’m really excited about this and I look forward to hearing from you!
Thank you in advance.
Hi Ted-Ed,
I signed up for the July Challenge and watched the first video. When it finished, it sent me to the quiz. I picked an answer and clicked Continue. It then asked me to log in. I was already logged in to watch the video, but my login did not follow me to the quiz. I don’t remember my password and don’t want to go through this each time I watch a video. Please advise how to get around this.
Daniel Nacht
the website is not allowing for registration, please add me to the list!
I signed up for the 30-day challenge and have received #’s 2 and 3 but not #1. Can you point me?
Hi Phil –
Here is the blog post with the archive of July Challenge lessons. It will be updated about once a week throughout the month!
Emilie / TED-Ed
Anyone have the links to day one and two?
Hi Rebecca –
Here is the blog post with the archive of July Challenge lessons. It will be updated about once a week throughout the month!
Emilie / TED-Ed
I signed up as soon as I read the email, July 6th. Any chance you will have a list of the postings for the month somewhere so that I can catch up?
Hi Ellen –
Here is the blog post with the archive of July Challenge lessons. It will be updated about once a week throughout the month!
Emilie / TED-Ed
I signed up late (July 7), and now can’t figure out how to locate the lessons from July 1-6. Can you point me in the right direction with a link? Thanks!
Hi SMcGill –
Here is the blog post with the archive of July Challenge lessons. It will be updated about once a week throughout the month!
Emilie / TED-Ed
I didn´t receive the first lesson, is there anywhere I can find it?
Hi Marta –
Here is the blog post with the archive of July Challenge lessons. It will be updated about once a week throughout the month!
Emilie / TED-Ed
I’ve deleted a couple of the challenge emails and can’t find the lessons. Is there a dashboard or a page where I can find the lessons I’ve done/need to do?
Hi Gabriela –
Here is the blog post with the archive of July Challenge lessons. It will be updated about once a week throughout the month!
Emilie / TED-Ed
Hi, I just subscribed today, but I still want to watch and do the questions for 31 videos (the same number of videos as someone who signed up from the very beginning, the 1st of July) . Is there a way I could do this?
Hi Konatsu –
Here is the blog post with the archive of July Challenge lessons. It will be updated about once a week throughout the month!
Emilie / TED-Ed
Hello Ted Ed
I didn’t receive Day 9 challenge , May you please try to send to me ..
Thank you
Hi Salwa –
Here is the blog post with the archive of July Challenge lessons. It will be updated about once a week throughout the month!
Emilie / TED-Ed
Well, I would very much like to express my respect for your hard work. You do make my summer days much more meaningful! All the best to you, dear fellows! Hats off to the contributors! Best wishes from Romania!
I’m done, what now?