Featured TED-Ed Club videos: Bigfoot, driving and taking a break from technology

Photo: Laura Wicklund, Vandercook Lake High School's TED-Ed Club

Photo: Laura Wicklund, Vandercook Lake High School’s TED-Ed Club

One of the main goals of TED-Ed Clubs has always been to provide a platform for student ideas. In this column, we do just that by highlighting nominated videos from schools participating in TED-Ed Clubs around the world.

Brent McCready Branch: Bigfoot
Forest Hill’s TED-Ed Club – Ontario, Canada

Laura Wicklund: Stop. Think. Drive.
Vandercook Lake High School’s TED-Ed Club – Michigan, USA

Kaylin Martiza: Take a break from technology
Lazuardi-GIS’s TED-Ed Club – Indonesia

Interested in starting a TED-Ed Club at your school? Click here to apply. » 

If you’re a TED-Ed Club Facilitator and you want to see your students featured in this column, be sure to nominate your students when you upload their videos to the TED-Ed Clubs YouTube channel!